Thursday, March 13, 2008

MFC - The memos DHS never sent, but should have

The following My Free Country column appeared in the Wallowa County Chieftain on March 13, 2008 and another version of it ran in Capital Press on March 14.

There's a series of memos that the Department of Homeland Security never sent out to the American people - but should have.

The first DHS memo should have gone out six years ago, saying, "Dear People, it's now apparent that our country is vulnerable to a wide range of catastrophes, both natural and man-made. Since the establishment of this agency, there has been some confusion as to who's taking care of what homeland security responsibilities."

"Please note it is up to you, the people, to ensure your own survival and the continuity of freedom itself, through disasters. For too long, many of you have been expecting the government to do everything. Don't make that mistake here."

"DHS has an entirely different purpose: to ensure the continuity of government, including America's economic structure (though please note it's not our job to ensure either the government or the economy are worth a darn)."

A post script should have gone out to cityfolk, saying, "Hey, we know things are crazy these days, and frankly you should expect it to get worse. Try to keep your heads when hard times come and don't panic or turn on each other. Good luck, and we're sorry we can't be more helpful."

The rural P.S. should have said, "Folks, we know it's not been easy trying to keep your independent way of life alive through farming, ranching, logging, and so forth. But don't give up. Your country needs you. In fact, we've nominated you all to be America's real safety net. Good luck, and thanks."

A really special note should have gone out to Wallowa County and precious few other locations. It should have said, "Dear Outlaws, that's a cute name you've got. Don't worry, we don't take offense. We call you Freedom Outpost # 23. Anyway, you live as far off the map as you can get and we know it's for a reason. We're sure you don't want to rely on us for anything, including advice. But we'd like you to remember just how unprepared the rest of the country is. Please balance your instincts for self defense with compassion when people come your way. You might even think about what you can do to help other communities prepare so that you're not the only ones ready. Good luck, and bless you."

Another round of DHS memos should have gone out just after Hurricane Katrina, saying, "Dear People, didn't you get our last memo? We warned you to start preparing for disasters. Even your National Guard troops are gone, deployed overseas or in other states. You really are on your own."

Finally, a third round of DHS memos should have come out this winter, saying, "Okay People, we're still not seeing any survival preparedness on your part. Perhaps these little shake-ups in the economy and the price of oil will motivate you. Please look at your food, fuel and medical supplies, your communication networks, and so forth, and prepare for supply shortages and infrastructure failures. There's really no downside to self-sufficiency. You might even like working together. For the love of freedom, get busy."

But those important memos were never sent because individual- and community-based preparedness runs counter to the mission of DHS: ensuring the continuity of government. Survivalists are potential terrorists, remember?

So instead of issuing the above advice, DHS has told us to buy duct tape and plastic sheeting, and wait for instructions, while our many layers of government are brought under the seamless control of the federal executive branch, through terror drills and changes to the U.S. Constitution.

DHS and the Bush Administration have been busy with these tasks, indeed. They've done away with: our right to due process; our right to be secure in our persons and properties; America's ban on cruel and unusual punishment, America's ban on military deployment for domestic law enforcement; and more.

It's the people's job to preserve freedom. It's the government's job to preserve itself. Don't be confused about that all-important difference. And don't let the survivalist-terrorist witch hunt scare you into silence and inaction.

On March 11, Wallowa County residents came together to discuss implementation of a regional Food Security plan. Let this be the beginning of our efforts to preserve freedom in this valley, and beyond.

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