Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Food Security Plan intro

Last night I brought together members of my local community to discuss implementing a Food Security plan for our very isolated region. The goal is to reduce our reliance on imports, lower our costs and gain access to healthier food. The strategy involves dividing the work load across multiple teams aimed at strategically expanding our biodiversity, developing appropriate technology (small-scale and low-fuel/power), and re-establishing our local food processing infrastructure. The efforts and needs of producers, consumers and retailers are to be coordinated through a new all-valley trade cooperative, with chapters in each town. I am working on an informational brochure with more details. I'm going to rebuild my website and post it there. In the meantime you may email me for a copy at Thank you to all of you who attended last night's meeting, and to all who called or otherwise expressed interest in participating in the Food Security Plan.

1 comment:

MrDPB said...

A friend gave me your link. I'm really glad and it amazes me. I've been thinking and talking almost the same "tune" to people. I use the term neighborhood and not community and I don't watch the mass mind thought planting systems either... As we talk and help our neighbors with teaching and leading them to provide their own food and make their own seed for their own neighborhoods, we can tell more and more. I sell greenhouse kits, the best where we can grow year round. In this I have been thinking of trying to learn to make seed in a more protected area. The terminator/suicide seed, to my understanding will stop our seed bearing plants / from producing seed if it is cross pollinated. Correct me if I'm wrong. In a way, even if "I am" it could evolve into such. How do we know? Well, great site, really glad to see your work. Bravo.